Dans_Diffraction.tkgui.diffractometer | index c:\users\grp66007\onedrive - diamond light source ltd\pythonprojects\dans_diffraction\dans_diffraction\tkgui\diffractometer.py |
Diffractometer Simulator GUI
Simulate a generic detector situated around the crystal sample.
The sample and detector orientation are specified like a 6-axis diffractometer.
The angle conventions are those according to H. You, J. Appl. Cryst. (1999). 32, 614
On the top left, the reciprocal lattice is shown and any reflections incident on the detector are highlighted.
On the top right, the detector image is shown and incident reflections are highlighted.
On the bottom left, the lattice and detector orientation angles are controlled.
On the bottom right, the incident beam, intensity calculation options and detector size and shaper are specified.
Additional options can be found in the top menu. Any axis can be scanned to plot
the sum of the detector at each step
Dr Daniel G Porter, dan.porter@diamond.ac.uk
Diamond Light Source, Chilton, Didcot, Oxon, OX11 0DE, U.K.
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BF = ['Palatino', 14] DEFAULT_DET_DISTANCE = 1000 DEFAULT_DET_HEIGHT = 200 DEFAULT_DET_PIXEL = 0.2 DEFAULT_DET_WIDTH = 200 DEFAULT_ENERGY = 8 DEFAULT_MAXQ = 4 DEFAULT_PEAKWIDTH = 0.2 DEFAULT_RESOLUTION = 200 FIGURE_3D_SIZE = [8, 4] FIGURE_DET_SIZE = [7, 4] FIGURE_DPI = 80 HF = ['Courier', 12] LF = ['Palatino', 14] MSG_CHI = "2nd rotation, right handed rotation about y''-axis." MSG_DEL = 'Detector rotation, left handed rotation about diffractometer z-axis' MSG_ETA = "3rd rotation, left handed rotation about z'-axis" MSG_GAM = 'Detector rotation, right handed rotation about diffractometer x-axis' MSG_MU = '4th rotation, right handed rotation about diffractometer x-axis' MSG_PHI = "1st rotation, left handed roation about z'''-axis (crystal axis)" OPTIONS = {'3d_basis': False, '3d_detector_corners': False, '3d_lattice': True, '3d_ref_arrows': False, 'det_clim': [0.0, 1.0], 'det_cmap': 'viridis', 'det_labels': True, 'det_log': False, 'fig_dpi': 80, 'maxq': 4.0, ...} REFLIST = {'color': [], 'detx': array([], dtype=float64), 'dety': array([], dtype=float64), 'fwhm': array([], dtype=float64), 'hkl': array([], shape=(0, 3), dtype=int32), 'hkl_str': [], 'intensity': array([], dtype=float64), 'qxqyqz': array([], shape=(0, 3), dtype=float64), 'scaled': array([], dtype=float64)} SF = ['Palatino', 14] TABLEAU_COLORS = {'tab:blue': '#1f77b4', 'tab:brown': '#8c564b', 'tab:cyan': '#17becf', 'tab:gray': '#7f7f7f', 'tab:green': '#2ca02c', 'tab:olive': '#bcbd22', 'tab:orange': '#ff7f0e', 'tab:pink': '#e377c2', 'tab:purple': '#9467bd', 'tab:red': '#d62728'} TF = ['Palatino', 12] TTF = ('Helvetica', 10, 'bold italic') bkg = 'snow' btn = 'azure' btn2 = 'gold' btn_active = 'grey' btn_txt = 'black' col_cycle = <itertools.cycle object> ety = 'white' ety_txt = 'black' opt = 'azure' opt_active = 'grey' opt_txt = 'black' txtcol = 'black' |